PREP supports our certified facilitators by providing many services and resources that help organizations successfully implement our materials and strategies. With that in mind, we've compiled this "go-to" resource list of products and documents. We invite our PREP-certified facilitators to make use of them as needed.


Tailored Technical Assistance Packages 
Because fidelity and audience-specific adaptation of the material is so essential to quality relationship education, PREP offers Tailored Technical Assistance that connects you with our experts to improve your team’s adaptation and delivery of PREP curricula by bringing affordable one-on-one videoconferences, phone sessions or site visits. Details

ePREP Online Program
For your couples who wants more, you can augment your classes with ePREP.
Buying ePREP in volume includes: customized pages, a database that tracks your couple’s progress & completion, and ePREP coaching guide (includes a complete "how-to" tutorial), so a facilitator may call/meet with the couple at regular intervals to practice skills and answer questions.  Details or call us at 800-366-0166

PREPing for a Couples Workshop
This is a convenient, available on-demand (and FREE!) tutorial providing insight and suggestions from experts at PREP for effective decision-making about workshop implementation. Topics include: effective facilitation tips and content delivery, making decisions about dosage and format, coaching tips, maintaining curricular fidelity. Link to the available on-demand course



2020 Journal article in Family Relations, "Best Practices in RE Focused on Intimate Relationships" - Click to open the link



All of our leader kits include media drives that contain lists of our research documents related to the curriculum you are facilitating. This link will take you to our research page so you can review our studies and white papers. Please contact us at if you have questions.